My Ventures

I am the Chair of the Association of Disabled Lawyers. The Association exists to create a community and network for disabled lawyers. We want to make it known that you can practice law and be a disabled person. There are many obstacles that make entering the legal professions and maintaining a career difficult. We are a platform for sharing ideas for positive change. We also campaign for such changes to be put in place to give disabled lawyers and students more support in their careers and to remove unnecessary obstacles that make the professions inaccessible to disabled people. We share these ideas with other organisations that want to support us. We, as disabled people, also promote the rights of all disabled people. We have events that highlights issues relating to disability law and how the rights of disabled people can protected and strengthened.

I chair Middle Temple's Disability Forum. The Forum has been created to support, advise, and encourage members of Middle Temple who identify within the broad heading of being a disabled person or as having a long-term physical, sensory or mental health condition. The Forum was created to be an inclusive rather than exclusive organisation and welcomes allies. Non-disabled people are encouraged to support and participate in initiatives organised by the Forum.

I am on Pictor Academy's Advisory Committee.
Pictor’s Advisory Committee oversees the school’s management and aims to ensure that all children at the school get the best possible education and are able to make the most of all the opportunities that come their way. The Advisory Committee works hard to support the Headteacher, teaching staff and pupils with the aim of ensuring that Pictor Academy is the best that it can. As well as sharing a common desire to be involved in supporting the school, the Advisory Committee have statutory duties by which they are legally bound. The Advisory Committee is ultimately responsible for all matters relating to the school including teaching and learning, safeguarding, health and safety, staffing, premises and ensuring financial accountability and sustainability.