Thank you for being interested in working for me as a Personal Assistant. The salary and contract will vary depending on the role to which you are applying. Please check the specific job vacancy. The role will usually be fulfilled at my home in Bethnal Green, but you may be required to help me in other locations.
I am a pupil barrister at 39 Essex Chambers, working with non-governmental organisations to contribute to the social good. I am currently the Founding Chair of the Association of Disabled Lawyers. The Association exists to create a community and network for disabled lawyers. We want to make it known that you can practice law and be a disabled person. Many obstacles make entering the legal professions and maintaining a career difficult. We are a platform for sharing ideas for positive change. We also campaign for such changes to be implemented to give disabled lawyers and students more support in their careers and to remove unnecessary obstacles that make the professions inaccessible to disabled people. We share these ideas with other organisations that want to support us. We, as disabled people, also promote the rights of all disabled people. We have events that highlight issues relating to disability law and how the rights of disabled people can protected and strengthened.
I act and model with VisAble. I have had opportunities with international companies such as Invacare and national organisations like the National Union of Students.
More information about the job, the person specification and frequently asked questions can be found below.
Access Adjustments
Please do contact me to request a change in the process that will allow you to show your potential.

Job Description
This is a detailed job description for the Advanced Personal Assistant role. Do not be intimidated by it! It looks more on paper; the tasks are usual everyday activities the team shares.
Advanced Personal Assistant
To train prospective and new staff; and
To ensure all shifts are covered.
To enable the Employer to carry out any chosen activity, whether inside or outside his home, by carrying out any other requests he may reasonably make;
To respect the Employer’s privacy and maintain confidentiality at all times regarding his personal life, home and documents relating to his work;
To handle the Employer’s belongings with care and only use the telephone, TV, radio etc., with consent;
To be a strong communicator in the English language;
To follow instructions and take the initiative;
To be trustworthy, caring, reliable and have a good sense of humour;
To have excellent personal grooming and a smart appearance;
To arrive for shifts on time and let the Employer know in advance of any lateness;
To swiftly inform the Employer of any potential absence;
To complete all tasks with reasonable haste, without rushing or hurting the Employer;
To provide appropriate companionship to the Employer; and
To work within a team of personal assistants to complete the following tasks.
Personal Care
To assist the Employer with getting in and out of bed;
To aid the Employer with washing, bathing and grooming;
To help the Employer ensure that he is adequately dry;
To apply any such creams the Employer requests;
To dress/undress the Employer in/out of clothing of his choosing;
To enable the Employer to brush his teeth;
To brush/groom the Employer’s hair into his preferred style;
To support the Employer to use the toilet or urine bottle;
To facilitate the administration of the Employer’s medicine when he desires;
To help the Employer in cleaning his piercings and tattoos when requested; and
To carry out all other reasonable requests the Employer makes about his care.
Food Preparation
To cook meals requested by the Employer;
To prepare meals, snacks and drinks as requested by the Employer;
Clean the kitchen surfaces before and after food preparation;
To adhere to safe food preparation, including washing hands at appropriate times and frequency; and
To carry out all other reasonable requests the Employer makes about food preparation.​
Home Management
To assist the Employer in ensuring safety in his home;
To support the Employer to move around in his home;
To enable the Employer to access items in and around his house;
To help the Employer to organise his papers;
To return all things to their rightful place after use;
To carry out minor adjustments on the Employer’s wheelchair;
To make the Employer’s bedding daily and upon request;
To change the Employer’s bedding at least weekly and upon request;
To make sure the Employer’s laundry is cleaned at appropriate intervals;
To clean, dry and put away the Employer’s pots, dishes, cups and cooking facilities;
Clean daily the kitchen surfaces and equipment;
To frequently clean all living room surfaces, including walls, TVs, cabinets, tables, doors, windows and radiators;
To regularly clean bathroom surfaces, including walls, sides, sink, toilet, shelves, mirrors and radiators;
To ensure the cleanliness of the bedroom and hall;
To mop the floor when necessary; and
To carry out all other reasonable requests the Employer makes about home management.
Accessing the Community
To assist the Employer in buying items from the shop, where necessary;
To help the Employer to access his gym, where necessary;
To aid the Employer in going to interviews, where necessary;
To accompany the Employer at events, where necessary;
To support the Employer to attend football practice and games, where necessary;
To enable the Employer to go to appointments, where necessary;
Remember that you are helping the Employer in the community rather than representing him;
To act respectfully, professionally and appropriately when with the Employer; and
To carry out all other reasonable requests the Employer makes about accessing the community.
Rio, My Cat
Respect the fact that you are in Rio’s home and be gentle with him;
To ensure that Rio has sufficient food and drink at all times;
To assist the Employer in providing Rio with treats;
Clean his eating area when necessary;
To aid the Employer in grooming and administrating Rio’s medicines;
To make sure Rio’s litter tray is clean;
To assist the Employer in taking Rio to the vet when necessary; and
To carry out all other reasonable requests the Employer makes concerning caring for Rio.

Personal Specification
Your suitability for the role will be assessed against the following skills, knowledge, and experience. Previous experience in support, care or being a personal assistant is not required. The person specification criteria may be demonstrated through education, extra-curricular activities, or voluntary work rather than formal employment. You will be trained on the job. The most important things are a good attitude and the ability to learn.
Essential skills and characteristics required from the start:
You must be calm and patient and have a conscientious attitude.
You must be able to listen to and then accept and follow instructions. This includes respecting my wishes and instruction.
You must work attentively, effectively and efficiently.
You must be punctual and reliable.
You must have enough physical strength to safely assist with getting in and out of my wheelchair. I do not use a hoist, but I can bear weight through my legs. I weigh around 58kg.
You must be comfortable assisting me with personal care/hygiene tasks, some of which are intimate in nature.
You must communicate clearly in English and understand my instructions.
You must have reasonable flexibility in terms of working hours, both from one day/week to another and also during the occasions when I need to travel away from home/London.
You have to keep confidential all information you acquire through this role.
You must be contactable at all times to enable me to contact you during working times, or if I need emergency cover.
Skills and abilities you will need to learn:
An ability to assist me with exercises, stretching, and massage.
A good level of competence at housework/laundry/ironing.
To prepare and cook food.
Basic skills in home DIY and wheelchair maintenance.
Keeping your documents in good order.
Write your timesheet and submit it on time.
To assist me with caring for my cat.
Making sure I am presentable to the expected standards at all times.

Asked Question
Isn't a PA a kind of secretary?
Disabled people use the term Personal Assistant, to mean the person they choose to assist them to do the things they need help with. The term "Carer" is old fashion .

Can I only work certain days each week?
Normally, no. Scheduling the rota becomes difficult and I must make sure I have support. I accommodate requests, but you may need to cover for other people.

Can I do another job at the same time?
Probably. But we would need to discuss it. Other people have done part-time jobs, which have worked. It depends on the circumstances.

I have never done a job like this before. Does that matter?
Not having previous experience does not matter. You will learn through training.

English is not my first language. Does that matter?
I have employed lots of people who have English as a second language, but you will need to understand my instructions.

There are some things in the job description I have not done before. Does that matter?
Not necessarily. A willingness to try and to learn is most important.

Is this a full-time or part time job?
Part time. The number of hours will be discussed but you can expect 10 to 15 hours.

Do I need to do anything "medical"?
No. Everything you do for me is just doing physical things that I can't do for myself. Even helping me take medication is just putting it into my mouth.

Is there an induction period?
Yes., for the first three months. I will give you three-monthly reviews on top of supervision. I will always give you feedback on how things are going.

I've never done "personal" things for someone else before. Isn't that a bit weird?
I have gotten used to it, and you will too.

Will I get any training?
Yes. You will be inducted period with training from other PAs.

Who is the employer?

Please read all the information on this website about the role before completing the application form below, especially the job description and person specification.
The online application form can be completed on your computer or mobile device. I do not accept CVs as an alternative to an application form. This is because they don't give me all the information I need.
If you are shortlisted, you will be asked to attend an interview. This first interview will usually be online by video call.
Candidates who pass the interview will then be asked to meet with me to discuss the role. This will allow us to consider whether this job is right for you.
If you have any questions not already addressed on this website, you can contact me by clicking on the button below:
Once you have understood this information, please click on this link to apply: