Other Experience.
Nov 2010 - Aug 2014: Player & Media Secretary, Manchester & Sale Powerchair Football Club
I built the clubs' website from what was an empty template and promoted the club. I took and uploaded images and videos, research, and results. I wrote news articles as well as keeping the website updated. Most of the articles published were written in this role, which required good writing and structuring ability. It was also important for the articles to be accessible and fun to read. Leaflets were also created to raise funds and find additional players. This role allowed for the improvement in writing ability and familiarity with website software.
Jun 2012 - Jul 2012/ Jun 2013 - Jul 2013: Teaching Assistant (Volunteer), Hebden Green Community School
The role of a Teaching Assistant is to help disabled students and act with other members of staff to ensure that the special academic and extra-curricular needs of the students are met. This required communication and organisation skills by discussing who will work with particular children. Enthusiasm, stamina and creativity are also needed to engage with the students and maintain their attention. Adapting complex concepts and theories to enable young students and pupils with learning disabilities to ensure that they understand them is also essential.